Centre for Policy on Ageing


Assessment in continuing care homes
 — towards a national standard instrument
Author(s)David Challis, Iain Carpenter, Karen Traske
Corporate AuthorPersonal Social Services Research Unit - PSSRU, University of Kent
PublisherUniversity of Kent, Canterbury, 1996
Pages88 pp
SourcePersonal Social Services Research Unit, Cornwallis Building, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NF.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Registration eg homes, nursing homes ; Evaluation.
AnnotationExamines the role of assessment in residential and nursing home care, and suggests that there is a need for a single instrument which can be used for the following tasks: individual care planning; management; supervision; analysis of casemix; reimbursement; and quality assurance. Concludes that The Minimum Data Set/Resident Assessment Instrument (MDS/RAI) is a suitable instrument.
Accession NumberCPA-960918001 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: Q3: 4C

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