Centre for Policy on Ageing


Survival in the oldest old
 — death risk factors in old and very old subjects
Author(s)Anastasius S Dontas, Nektaria Toupadaki, Anastasia Tzonou, Popi Kasviki-Charvati
Journal titleJournal of Aging and Health, vol 8, no 2, May 1996
Pagespp 220-237
Keywords65-69 age group ; Over 70s ; Octogenarians ; Longevity ; Death.
AnnotationPresents findings from a study which examined a variety of factors possibly affecting survival in older people aged between 68 and 92. Factors studies include blood pressure, mobility status, weight, and behavioural and socioeconomic factors.
Accession NumberCPA-960617055 A
ClassmarkBBE: BBK: BBM: BGA: CW

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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