Centre for Policy on Ageing


Study on the evaluation of cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for the health care of the elderly
 — part 1
Corporate AuthorIstituto di Studi per la Programmazione Economica; Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche
PublisherIstituto di Studi per la Programmazione Economica, Rome, 1987
Pagesvarious pagings
KeywordsOlder people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Health [elderly] ; Services ; Health services ; Finance [care] ; Italy.
AnnotationDescribes the health, social and demographic characteristics of the older population in Italy, and examines the impact of population ageing on older workers and the pension system.
Accession NumberCPA-951108202 B
ClassmarkB: F: CC: I: L: QC: 76V

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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