Centre for Policy on Ageing


She won't be dancing much anyway
 — a study of surgeons, surgical nurses, and elderly patients
Author(s)Bradley J Fisher, Constance Peterson
Journal titleQualitative Health Research, vol 3, no 2, May 1993
Pagespp 165-183
SourceSage Publications Ltd., 6 Bonhill Street, London EC2A 4PU.
KeywordsAgeism ; Surgeons ; Nurses ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationThe findings are presented from a qualitative study which examined how the attitudes of surgeons and surgical nurses towards older patients affected the quality of care delivered. Surgeons strongly influence how surgical personnel treat patients during surgery. The surgeon's ultimate control and unquestioned authority in surgery, when combined with depersonalisation of patients, created situations in which quality of care was compromised. The recommendations discussed include establishing the surgeon as a positive role model, specialised training for those working with older patients, and surgical staff sharing responsibility. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-951031250 A
ClassmarkB:TOB: QT8: QTE: 3DP

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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