Centre for Policy on Ageing


Difficult-to-let sheltered housing
 — an exploratory study for Anchor Housing Association
Author(s)Marisa Micallef
Corporate AuthorAge Concern Institute of Gerontology - ACIOG
PublisherAnchor Housing Trust, Oxford, 1994
Pages39 pp (Anchor Research 6)
SourceAnchor Housing Association, Fountain Court, Oxford Spires Business Park, Kidlington, Oxfordshire OX5 1NZ.
KeywordsSheltered housing ; Housing Associations.
AnnotationExamines the nature of difficult-to-let sheltered housing, and identifies factors such as size, location, allocation policies and aspirations of older people.
Accession NumberCPA-951018010 B
ClassmarkKLA: KKH

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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