Centre for Policy on Ageing


Residential care homes and nursing homes in Wales 1994
Corporate AuthorWelsh Office; Government Statistical Service - GSS
PublisherWelsh Office, Cardiff, 1995
Pages63 pp
SourceWelsh Office, Publications Unit, Statistical Directorate, Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NQ, Wales.
KeywordsCare homes ; Nursing homes ; Wales.
AnnotationFormerly: Residential accommodation for elderly people and people with physical or visual disabilities. See also: Residential accommodation for the elderly, younger physically handicapped and blind. This new title contains a number of new tables and additional data on nursing homes. Two appendices have been included - a summary of staff of social services departments and a breakdown of Welsh population data. Discontinued series, now incorporated in "Social Services Statistics Wales".
Accession NumberCPA-950901005 B
ClassmarkKW: LHB: 9

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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