Centre for Policy on Ageing


A new civic Europe?
 — a study of the extent and role of volunteering
Author(s)Katharine Gaskin, Justin Davis Smith
Corporate AuthorVolunteer Centre UK
PublisherVolunteer Centre UK, London, 1995
Pages128 pp
SourceVolunteer Centre UK, Carriage Row, 183 Eversholt Street, London NW1 1BU.
KeywordsVoluntary work [elderly] ; Voluntary workers ; Social surveys ; Europe.
AnnotationProvides an overview of the context of volunteering in European countries, presents findings from a survey of the incidence, type and frequency of volunteering and the views of older and younger volunteers, and looks at organisational support, including methods of recruitment and training.
Accession NumberCPA-950630007 B
ClassmarkGHH: QV: 3F: 74

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