Centre for Policy on Ageing


Autonomy and well-being in the aging population I
 — report from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
Author(s)D Deeg, M Westendorp-de Serière
Corporate AuthorLongitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam
PublisherVU University Press, Amsterdam, 1994
Pages112 pp
SourceVU University Press, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
KeywordsOlder people ; Independence ; Mental health [elderly] ; Quality of life ; Longitudinal surveys ; Netherlands.
AnnotationThe Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) is an interdisciplinary, longitudinal research project with the objective of determining the predictors and consequences of changes in physical, cognitive, emotional and social functioning in older people. This volume presents the first findings of the base-line data collection, which includes the prevalence of chronic diseases, physical ability, depression, anxiety, intelligence, memory and learning, social network size and participation.
Accession NumberCPA-950403006 B
ClassmarkB: C3: D: F:59: 3J: 76H

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