Centre for Policy on Ageing


 — a manual for those considering launching a University of the Third Age - or a similar project aimed at offering self-help educational opportunities to older people
Corporate AuthorNational Committee of the University of the Third Age in Britain
PublisherNational Committee of the University of the Third Age, 1985?
Pagesunnumbered loose sheets and pamphlets
KeywordsAdult Education ; U3A ; Instruction handbooks.
AnnotationUnder the headings of what, how and where, this information pack gives details of how to set up a University of the Third Age or similar adult education programme. Other contents include publications catalogues for 1985 for the National Extension College, Age Concern and Centre for Policy on Ageing.
Accession NumberCPA-941028205
ClassmarkGP: V5A: 69M

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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