Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older people in Grampian
Author(s)David S Gordon, Julia M Fyfe
PublisherAge Concern Scotland, Edinburgh, 1987
Pages31 pp
SourceAge Concern Scotland, 30 Castle Street, Edinburgh EH2 3DN
KeywordsOlder people ; Social characteristics [elderly] ; Health [elderly] ; Services ; Financial services [older people] ; Grampian.
AnnotationProvides basic information on older people and some of the resources and services available to them in the Grampian region. Looks at housing, income, health, and health and social services.
Accession NumberCPA-941017208
ClassmarkB: F: CC: I: J: 9N

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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