Centre for Policy on Ageing


Managing the knowledge base of healthcare
 — report of a seminar held on 22nd October 1993 at the Kings Fund Centre, London
Corporate AuthorBritish Library
PublisherBritish Library, London, 1994
Pages65 pp (British Library R & D Report 6133)
SourceBritish Library R & D Department, 2 Sheraton Street, London W1V 4BH
KeywordsNational Health Service ; Information services ; Management [care].
AnnotationFollow-up to another seminar which considered the role of information in the NHS, and increased awareness of the information resources which exist. This seminar aimed to seek solutions to the questions arising, and to discuss the impact of changes in the management and organisation of the NHS, and in the technology of information provision.
Accession NumberCPA-940831002
ClassmarkL4: UV: QA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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