Centre for Policy on Ageing


Reinforced care capacity in geriatric hospitals and changes in costs and manpower
 — present situation of long-term care for the aged and changes in medical care facilities in Japan
Author(s)Yasuo Takagi
Journal titleReview of Social Policy, no 3, March 1994
PublisherSocial Development Research Institute, March 1994
Pagespp 1-17
SourceSDRI, 19-8, Akasaka 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107, Japan
KeywordsServices ; Health services ; Long term ; Reorganisation ; Costs [care] ; Personnel ; Japan.
AnnotationLooks at the long-term care system in Japan, the changes that have been undertaken and the impact on costs and manpower.
Accession NumberCPA-940808010 A
ClassmarkI: L: 4Q: 5SR: QDC: QM: 7DT

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