Centre for Policy on Ageing


Personal social services
 — day and domiciliary services for adults in England 1992
Corporate AuthorDepartment of Health - DoH; Government Statistical Service - GSS
PublisherDepartment of Health, London, 1994
Pages13 pp (Statistical Bulletin 1994/1)
KeywordsDomiciliary services ; Day centres ; Luncheon clubs ; Meals on wheels ; Statistics [data].
AnnotationThe main findings presents new information on services provided to adults at home, at luncheon clubs or in day centres in England for a survey week in Autumn 1992.
Accession NumberCPA-940328015 B
ClassmarkN: NMC: NRA: NS: 6C

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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