Centre for Policy on Ageing


Equal treatment
 — EC pension protocol
Corporate AuthorBacon and Woodrow
PublisherBacon and Woodrow, Epsom, Surrey, 13 December 1991
Pages1p (Bacon and Woodrow Analysis, Benefits Research no. 72)
SourceInformation Services Department, Bacon and Woodrow, The Wells, 3-13 Church Street, Epsom, Surrey KT17 4PF
KeywordsPensions ; Sexual equality ; European Union.
AnnotationThe Protocol states that the equal treatment provisions of the Maastricht Treaty apply to pensions only in respect of service after 17th May 1990. Looks at action by the UK Government, The European Court of Justice, and at what employers should do.
Accession NumberCPA-930927060
ClassmarkJJ: TM8: WFC *

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