Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research into voluntary action 1977-1980
 — a directory
Author(s)Shirley Selwyn , Stephen Humble
PublisherVolunteer Centre, Berkhamsted, 1981
Pages72 pp
KeywordsVoluntary workers ; Voluntary agencies ; Research ; Directories.
AnnotationThis directory describes 306 UK research projects into volunteer involvement in social services, health, education, the probation and penal services, the environment and other local government services; neighbourhood care, self-help groups; and community action and community organisations. Each entry states the aims and objectives of the project, the research methods used and the publications arising, and lists the researchers, the organisation, and the sponsoring bodies. (AKM).
Accession NumberCPA-930803097 B
ClassmarkQV: PK: 3A: 69

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

...from the Ageinfo database published by Centre for Policy on Ageing.

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