Centre for Policy on Ageing


Long-term unemployed and the elderly in migrant communities in Europe
Author(s)Jagdish Gundara, Crispin Jones
Corporate AuthorSchool and Out-of-School Education Section, Council for Cultural Co-operation, Council of Europe; Centre for Multicultural Education, University of London
PublisherCouncil of Europe Press, Strasbourg, 1992
Pages64 pp (Adult education)
KeywordsAdult Education ; Ethnic groups ; Racism ; Migration ; Unemployment ; Europe.
AnnotationThroughout Europe, there are those who are unemployed within migrant and minority groups who find themselves marginalised, due in part to racism. Adult education is one the ways in which these groups can overcome long-term unemployment, and it can also be used to combat the isolation sometimes felt by older people. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-920813008
ClassmarkGP: TK: TMG: TN: WH6: 74

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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