Centre for Policy on Ageing


Examining the nursing home physical environment through policy-driven culture change
Author(s)Emily Roberts, Alana Pulay
Journal titleJournal of Housing for the Elderly, vol 32, no 2, April-June 2018
PublisherTaylor and Francis, April-June 2018
Pagespp 241-262
KeywordsPerson-centred care ; Nursing homes ; Architectural design ; Policy ; Qualitative Studies ; United States of America.
AnnotationA critical need exists to challenge approaches to nursing home care, due to rigid organisational factors and a hospital-like culture. It has been argued that residents' care needs to move toward a person-centred approach, by addressing the organisational, social and physical environments in nursing home facilities, a process often known as culture change. In response to this need, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has created funding for pay for performance (P4P) nursing home incentive programs, to allow nursing home providers to receive CMS reimbursements for culture change in facilities. This qualitative study uses care staff interviews, site observations, and a document review to assess the impact of a Midwestern state P4P incentive program in three participating nursing homes. It then uses an environment and behaviour (E-B) policy orientation framework to examine culture change through a focus on policy, the physical environment, place attachment, and social and psychological processes in the study settings. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-190615206 A
ClassmarkPAA: LHB: YB3: QAD: 3DP: 7T

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