Centre for Policy on Ageing


Opening a new care home
 — a guide for care operators on successfully opening a new care home
Author(s)Sara Livadeas
Corporate AuthorSocial Care Works
PublisherSocial Care Works, [Oxford], May 2018
Pages35 pp
Sourcewww.socialcareworks.org.uk E: s.livadeas@socialcareworks.org.uk
KeywordsCare homes ; Management [care] ; Standards of provision ; Guides, guide books.
AnnotationBased on the author's experiences of working in or supporting newly opened care homes, this guide pools the experiences of several organisations, to produce guidance on anticipating and overcoming some difficulties and challenges routinely occurring in the first twelve months following completion of a new building. Six keys to success are discussed: write a business plan and stick to it; run the home as a project for at least 12 months post opening; recruit the right staff and give them the support they need to succeed; implement a properly resourced marketing plan; audit care quality early and regularly, taking appropriate remedial action promptly; and manage expectations through clear and regular communications. Appendices include an outline project plan, and a management competency self-assessment for a registered manager. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180720002 B
ClassmarkKW: QA: 583: 69N

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