Centre for Policy on Ageing


That age old question
 — how attitudes to ageing affect our health and wellbeing
Corporate AuthorRoyal Society for Public Health - RSPH
PublisherRoyal Society for Public Health; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, UK Branch, London, 2018
Pages40 pp
SourceRoyal Society for Public Health, John Snow House, 59 Mansell Street, London E1 8AN. Download: https://www.rsph.org.uk/uploads/assets/uploaded/010d3159-0...
KeywordsAgeism ; Attitudes to the old of general public ; Well being ; Social policy ; Social surveys.
AnnotationThe Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) is calling for action to tackle intergenerational isolation, end the stigmatisation of older people, and undo media clichés that keep ageism alive and well. RSPH evaluated ageist attitudes across 12 main areas of life, of which the public are most ageist about memory loss, appearance, and participation in activities (both physical and community). The report presents results from focus groups and a national survey regarding attitudes towards ageing and older people. It finds that while ageist views are held across the generations, these are most prevalent among "millennials" (aged 18-34), who have by far the most negative attitudes to ageing. A sizeable minority of people (30%) believe that "being lonely is just something that happens when people get old", while a quarter (25%) of 18-34 year olds believe it is "normal" for older people to be unhappy and depressed. The report calls on stakeholders in the media, government, voluntary sector and schools to take action to reframe the way our nation views ageing in a more positive light. It makes recommendations on dealing with ageing by: integrating the generations; educating young people; and getting employers to promote age diversity and support well-being and resilience in the workplace in preparation for later life. It also recommends training those working in health and care settings to understand the effects of ageism. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180608002 B
ClassmarkB:TOB: TOB: D:F:5HH: TM2: 3F

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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