Centre for Policy on Ageing


Somebody has to DUST!
 — Gender, health, and housework in older couples
Author(s)Claudia Geist, Jennifer Tabler
Journal titleJournal of Women and Aging, vol 30, no 1, January-February 2018
PublisherTaylor and Francis, January-February 2018
Pagespp 38-48
KeywordsHousework capacity ; Health [elderly] ; Spouses ; Older men ; Older women ; Quantitative studies ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe link between health and housework among older couples is examined. For those out of the paid labour force, many of the standard arguments about relative resources and time availability no longer hold. Women spend more time on domestic tasks than men at any age; however, it is unclear how health shapes the household division of labor based on gender among older adults. This study examines the relative effect of three dimensions of health: physical health limitations, level of energy, and functional limitations. It uses data from the 2009 and 2013 Disability and Use or Time (DUST) supplement to the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, which was partly supported by the US National Institutes of Health and the National Science Foundation. It finds that women's poor health increases the chance of an equal division of labour, but the gender nature of household tasks may limit women's ability to cut back. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180525222 A
ClassmarkCAM: CC: SN: BC: BD: 3DQ: 7T

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