Centre for Policy on Ageing


Elder abuse, depression, relationships and attachments
 — determinants of mental health in later life
Author(s)Ritu Sharma, Rupinder Kaur
Journal titleInternational Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, vol 1, no 1, 2016
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), 2016
Pagespp 68-81
KeywordsElder abuse ; Depression ; Living with family ; Care homes ; Personal relationships ; Mental health [elderly] ; Qualitative Studies ; Quantitative studies ; India.
AnnotationThe issue of elder abuse and depression among older people in India is explored. In addition, relationship and attachment with relevant others, and their effect on positive mental health of older persons were also examined. Data were collected from 200 older people living either with their families or in care homes. Schedules of social support, socialisation, depression and elder abuse were used. Immediate support system, relationship with relevant others, mental health and abuse were assessed, using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The study revealed that depression was prevalent among both groups, with incidents of elder abuse least admitted by people living with their families. People living in care homes affirmed experiencing abuses of several types. Lack of social support and socialisation were found to be the key factors behind abuse and depression. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180525204 A
ClassmarkQNT: ENR: KA:SJ: KW: DS: D: 3DP: 3DQ: 7FA

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