Centre for Policy on Ageing


State of widowhood in Iran
 — challenges of ageing spouses
Author(s)Mohammad Taghi Sheykhi
Journal titleInternational Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, vol 1, no 1, 2016
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), 2016
Pagespp 54-67
KeywordsWidows ; Widowers ; Family relationships ; Longevity ; Demography ; Literature reviews ; Iran.
AnnotationThis article represents how ageing, widowhood and loneliness are surging in Iran. To conduct the research, Tehran City was chosen as the empirical universe of study. Due to an increase in longevity in Iran in recent years - 76 years for women and 72 years for men - women are more likely to lose their spouse than ever before and become widows, albeit under the lack of adequate infrastructures. This emerging state of affairs leads to demographic challenges in later life. Shortages of social security and pensions in the third age make the surviving spouse very vulnerable, which is sociologically worth studying. Similarly, their social links and relations are impaired under such circumstances. The article indicates how the loss of interactions within the ageing population become problematic and demoralising. Many remaining spouses experience poverty at this stage of life. Such ageing citizens need planned support and services, also effective population projections for the years to come. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180525203 A
ClassmarkSP: SPA: DS:SJ: BGA: S8: 64A: 7FL

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