Centre for Policy on Ageing


Population ageing and the development of social care service systems for older persons in China
Author(s)Peng Du, Yongmei Wang
Journal titleInternational Journal on Ageing in Developing Countries, vol 1, no 1, 2016
PublisherInternational Institute on Ageing (United Nations - Malta), 2016
Pagespp 40-52
KeywordsAgeing process ; Demography ; Services ; Family care ; Social policy ; China.
AnnotationChina has the largest ageing population in the world, and the absolute number of the older people accounts for more than one-fifth of the world's population. China's population ageing has the characteristics of having an enormous number of older people with an accelerating pace in ageing, weakened traditional familial elder care capabilities, and vast regional and rural-urban differences. The adult social care service system of 'families serving as the foundation, communities as the base, and institutions as the supplementation' initially formed in China, but there remain various problems. The Chinese government is now making efforts on the reconstruction and consolidation of family elder care capabilities, to support families' elder care capacity through social services, the development of a long-term care insurance system and relevant service systems, and a narrowing of the gap between various areas of service provision.
Accession NumberCPA-180525202 A
ClassmarkBG: S8: I: P6:SJ: TM2: 7DC

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