Centre for Policy on Ageing


Creative and cultural activities and wellbeing in later life
Author(s)Libby Archer, Susan Davidson, Jose Iparraguirre
Corporate AuthorPolicy and Research Department, Age UK; Age UK Oxfordshire
PublisherAge UK, London, April 2018
Pages16 pp
KeywordsCultural activities ; Participation ; Well being ; Case studies.
AnnotationThrough its well-being research, Age UK has attempted to find out what makes later life worth living. This report explores the impact of participation in creative and cultural activities; the factors linked to participation; and the relationship with well-being. The activities considered are literature, visual and performing arts, music, crafts, dance and visiting historic places. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180518004 P
ClassmarkH4: TMB: D:F:5HH: 69P *

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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