Centre for Policy on Ageing


Changing the culture of social care in Scotland
 — has a shift to personalization brought about transformative change?
Author(s)Charlotte Pearson, Nicholas Watson, Kainde Manji
Journal titleSocial Policy and Administration, vol 52, no 3, May 2018
PublisherWiley, May 2018
Pagespp 662-676
KeywordsServices ; Social change ; Person-centred care ; Consumer choice ; Independence ; Social policy ; Scotland.
AnnotationIn 2014 the Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013 (SDS Act) was implemented in Scotland. This marked a major shift in how social care is delivered and organised for both users and professionals across the country. Whilst it emerged through the personalisation agenda _ which has dominated international social care systems over recent years _ self-directed support (SDS) represented a significant shift in thinking for service provision in Scotland. In this article the authors review the initial stages of policy implementation. Drawing on two Freedom of Information requests from 2015 and 2016 and a series of interviews with local authority practitioners they argue that, to date, SDS has yet to produce radical transformative change. The reasons behind this are explored through four key themes. Firstly the study highlights the challenges of promoting the principles of co-production in policy and suggests that, in reality, this has been compromised through SDS implementation. Secondly it is suggested that SDS has been caught up in a policy overload and ultimately overshadowed by new legislation for health and social care integration. In looking at the impact of this relationship, a third theme questions the role of new partnership working. Lastly it is argued that the timing of SDS in a period of acute austerity in social care has resulted in disabled people being offered limited choice rather than increased opportunities for independent living. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-180504211 A
ClassmarkI: TMH: PAA: WYC: C3: TM2: 9A

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