Centre for Policy on Ageing


A new health and care system
 — escaping the invisible asylum
Author(s)Alex Fox
PublisherPolicy Press, Bristol, 2018
Pages244 pp
SourcePolicy Press, University of Bristol, 1-9 Old Park Hill, Bristol BS2 8BB. www.policypress.co.uk
KeywordsHealth services ; Services ; Living with others ; Community care ; Well being ; Policy.
AnnotationHow do we find sustainable and human ways to care for people with long-term needs? This book reveals the ways in which public services squander the potential of people with long-term support needs and the creativity and caring capacity of front line workers. The book draws on the ethos, practices and economics of human-focused and assets-based initiatives such as Shared Lives; it outlines a new model for public services to replace the 'invisible asylum'. This approach, focused on achieving and maintaining well-being, rather than on reacting to crisis or attempting to 'fix' people, would both ask of us and offer us more. Responsibilities, resources and risks would be more fairly and transparently shared. The book offers the steps which citizens, front line services and government could take to achieve this vision. Chapters cover: how we divide the world into community and asylum; how we create problems by trying to fix them; why failure pays, but success costs; risk aversion and risk indifference; the humanisation experiment; Shared Lives; designing a new national health and well-being service; and delivering the national health and well-being service. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180504001 B
ClassmarkL: I: KA: PA: D:F:5HH: QAD

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