Centre for Policy on Ageing


Dignity in practice
 — an exploration of the care of older people in acute NHS Trusts: a research summary
Author(s)Win Tadd, Alexandra Hillman, Sian Calnan, Michael Calnan, Tony Bayer, Simon Read
Corporate AuthorService Delivery and Organisation Programme (SDO), National Institute for Health Research - NIHR
PublisherNIHR Service Delivery and Organisation Programme [on behalf of the Department of Health], [London], 2011
Pages49 pp
KeywordsPatients ; Hospital services ; Medical care ; Management [care] ; Rights [elderly] ; Attitude ; Medical workers ; Qualitative Studies.
AnnotationIn recent years, studies and reports have shown that it remains difficult to translate dignified care into practice, especially acute hospital care of older people. This research summary of a larger study for PANICOA (Prevention of Abuse and Neglect in the Institutional Care of Older Adults) sought to build a body of evidence from an ethnography of four acute hospital Trusts in England and Wales undertaken between 2008 and 2010. Interviews with older people and their carers examined their views of dignified care and experiences of hospital care. This was complemented by evidence from 617 hours of observation of practices and activities in wards across the four acute NHS Trusts. The study's four objectives concerning dignified care were to: identify older people's and their carer's views and priorities; examine healthcare practitioners' behaviours and practices; identify occupational, organisational and cultural factors; and develop evidence-based recommendations and guidance. A full report (292 pp) is also available (see link at www.sdo.nihr.ac.uk/projdetails.php?ref=08-1819-218.. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180403001 B
ClassmarkLF: LD: LK: QA: IKR: DP: QT: 3DP

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