Centre for Policy on Ageing


Detection of elder abuse
 — exploring the potential use of the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index by law enforcement in the field
Author(s)Elina Kurkurina, Brittany C L Lange, Sonan D Lama
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, vol 30, no 2, March-May 2018
PublisherTaylor and Francis, March-May 2018
Pagespp 103-126
KeywordsElder abuse ; Screening ; Police ; Crime prevention ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThere are no known instruments to aid law enforcement officers in the assessment of elder abuse (EA), despite officers' contact with older adults. This study aimed to identify: officers' perceptions and knowledge of EA; barriers in detecting EA in the field; and characteristics officers value in a detection tool. A fourth aim was to explore the potential for officers to use the Elder Abuse Suspicion Index (EASI)c. Data was collected from 69 law enforcement officers in Connecticut, who confirmed that barriers to effectively detecting EA included a lack of EA detection instruments, as well as a lack of training on warning signs and risk factors. Officers indicated that the important elements of a desirable tool for helping to detect EA included ease of use, clear instructions and information on follow-up resources. Approximately 80% of respondents could see themselves using the EASIc in the field, and a modified version has been developed for this purpose. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180323226 A
ClassmarkQNT: 3V: TWH: TWF: 4C: 7T

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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