Centre for Policy on Ageing


Lifelong learning in active ageing discourse
 — its conserving effect on wellbeing, health and vulnerability
Author(s)Miya Narushima, Jian Liu, Naomi Diestelkamp
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 38, no 4, April 2018
PublisherCambridge University Press, April 2018
Pagespp 651-675
KeywordsAdult Education ; Ageing process ; Health [elderly] ; Well being ; At risk ; Preventative medicine ; Quantitative studies ; Canada.
AnnotationThe Active Ageing Framework has been adapted as a global strategy in ageing policies, practices and research over the last decade. However, lifelong learning has not been fully integrated into this discourse. Using survey data provided by 416 adults (aged 60+) enrolled in non-formal general-interest courses in a public continuing education programme in Canada, this study examined the association between older adults' duration of participation in the courses and their level of psychological well-being, while taking their age, gender, self-rated health and vulnerability level into consideration. An analytical framework was developed based on the literature of old-age vulnerabilities and the benefits of lifelong learning. Two logistic regression and trend analyses were conducted. The results indicate that older adults' participation is independently and positively associated with their psychological well-being, even among those typically classified as 'vulnerable'. This result provides additional evidence that suggests the continuous participation in non-formal lifelong learning may help sustain older adults' psychological well-being. It provides older learners, even those who are most vulnerable, with a compensatory strategy to strengthen their reserve capacities, allowing them to be autonomous and fulfilled in their everyday life. The result of this study highlights the value of the strategic and unequivocal promotion of community-based non-formal lifelong learning opportunities for developing inclusive, equitable and caring active ageing societies. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180323200 A
ClassmarkGP: BG: CC: D:F:5HH: CA3: LK2: 3DQ: 7S

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