Centre for Policy on Ageing


Older adults in the cross-border areas of southern Portugal and Spain
 — shared narratives, learning and the construction of identity
Author(s)Antonio Fragoso, Vania Martins
Journal titleInternational Journal of Education and Ageing, vol 1, no 3, 2011
PublisherAssociation for Education and Ageing, 2011
Pagespp 253-266
KeywordsAdult Education ; Personality ; Social contacts ; Life span ; Qualitative Studies ; Spain ; Portugal.
AnnotationThe authors conducted research in cross-border areas of southern Portugal (Vita Real de San Antonio) and Spain (Ayamonte), with the aim of investigating the learning processes that take place in identity building in two different generations (adults and older adults). The research included two different phases. In the first, focus groups were organised on both sides of the border. In the second, biographical interviews were conducted with selected individuals. The findings enabled the authors to argue that the older generation could maintain relatively mixed social networks, which made available opportunities for shared narratives and informal learning about the "other" (those living on the other side of the border). By contrast, a set of factors determined that the younger generation grew apart from their Spanish neighbours, so that their identity was partly defined by the separation. The authors attempt to conceptualise and systematise these interpretations into a holistic model which includes both informal learning and formal education. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180316217 A
ClassmarkGP: DK: TOA: BG6: 3DP: 76S: 76T

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