Centre for Policy on Ageing


Key life stages of the Resolution Foundation's target group
 — literature review; prepared for the Resolution Foundation by the International Longevity Centre UK
Author(s)James Lloyd
Corporate AuthorInternational Longevity Centre UK - ILC UK
PublisherInternational Longevity Centre - ILC-UK, London, 31 October 2005
SourceWebsite: www.ilcuk.org.uk
KeywordsFinancial services [older people] ; Finance ; Life span ; Statistics [data] ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationThe Resolution Foundation aims to help the 8 million people who do not have access to the information and advice they need to enable them to make sound, timely financial decisions. This research was commissioned to provide the Resolution Foundation with a better understanding of its target group and its financial circumstances, and the type of financial advice that might best be given at different stages. It also covers information about expenditure and financial products, also attitudes to money management. It presents extracts and tables from publications (mainly UK Government and specialist organisations' statistics) to familiarise the user with these information sources. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180306001 B
ClassmarkJ: WN: BG6: 6C: 64A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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