Centre for Policy on Ageing


The perceptions regarding social workers from within an integrated trust in an age of austerity
Author(s)Darryl James Phillipowsky
Journal titleJournal of Integrated Care, vol 26, no 1, 2018
PublisherEmerald, 2018
Pagespp 38-53
KeywordsSocial workers ; Attitude ; Social roles ; Interaction [welfare services] ; Coordination.
AnnotationThe purpose of this paper was to explore community professionals' opinions concerning: social workers' roles and statutory functions; understanding of collaborative and cooperative work; experiences of professional support; opinions on aspects of anti-oppressive practices in social work; views on social work identity within multi-disciplinary team structures; and perceptions regarding the challenges of cultural and contextual drivers of social work practice. The study was a thematic analysis of free-text data from a survey. Study participants were social workers, occupational therapists and nurses working within an integrated Health and Social Care NHS Trust. Most free-text respondents (51%) were from social workers, with 32% from occupational therapists and 17% from nurses. These respondents provided comments that the authors developed into four overarching themes: (1) Culture _ cultural biases and clashes of culture within an integrated care organisation which resulted in a negative experience for professionals and confusion for service users and/or carers; (2) Austerity: the impact of economic austerity; (3) Organisation: conceptual confusion in respect of defining/organising/structuring integrated care within a health organisation; and (4) Political: the political drivers of integration. The study presented specific areas of concern for social workers and for integrated social care and health as a whole, revealing a number of themes present across the integration journey. While the majority of comments were negative analysis revealed concerns shared by a significant numbers of respondents: conceptual confusion in respect of organising integrated care within a health organisation, a lack of shared socialisation and the development of a shared culture within the integrated organisation, and the impact of economic austerity on integration. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-180302215 A
ClassmarkQR: DP: TM5: QK6: QAJ

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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