Centre for Policy on Ageing


Housing for older people
 — second report of Session 2017-19: report, together with formal minutes relating to the report
Corporate AuthorCommunities and Local Government Committee, House of Commons
PublisherHouse of Commons, London, 9 February 2018
Pages75 pp (HC 2017/19 370)
KeywordsHousing [elderly] ; Social policy ; Government publications.
AnnotationPeople's housing needs and preferences often change as they grow older, and they may want to make changes to how and where they live. Most of those responding to this inquiry (originally launched February 2017) stated that a national strategy on housing provision for older people was needed, a view endorsed by the Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee. This report also considers the provision of advice and information on housing; the link between housing and health; the situation for people who 'stay put' and for those who move home; housing options (accessible homes, specialist housing, bungalows and cohousing); and local and national planning policies and supply of housing. Among key recommendations are that the existing FirstStop Advice Service should be re-funded by the Government to provide an expanded national telephone advice service; and expanded coverage of Home Improvement Agencies (HIA), with access to at least one HIA with a handyperson service in each local authority area. The new national strategy the Committee recommends the Government to introduce should be established in consultation with older people and those who provide for them. The Government should also recognise the link between homes and health and social care in the forthcoming adult social care Green Paper. (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-180213001 B
ClassmarkKE: TM2: 6OA

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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