Centre for Policy on Ageing


Gay-friendly elderly care
 — creating space for sexual diversity in residential care by challenging the hetero norm
Author(s)H Leyerzapf, M Visse, A de Beer, T A Abma
Journal titleAgeing and Society, vol 38, no 2, February 2018
PublisherCambridge University Press, February 2018
Pagespp 352-377
KeywordsCare homes ; Attitude ; Gay men ; Lesbians ; Bi-sexuals ; Transexuals ; Social inclusion ; Qualitative Studies ; Netherlands.
AnnotationStudies on older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) adults in residential care point to their discrimination, invisibility and the taboo on LGBT lifestyles, and call for development of 'gay-friendly' care. Yet, the literature is short on how to create inclusive residential care for older LGBT people. The authors aim to acquire in-depth understanding of experiences and needs of LGBT older people concerning their inclusion and participation in care settings, in order to contribute to development of inclusive and responsive care that structurally enhances LGBT residents' visibility, 'voice' and well-being. Responsive, multi-stakeholder research using interviews, participant observations and focus groups was conducted in three care homes in the Netherlands. Thematic, interpretative analysis was performed. LGBT respondents reported social exclusion, and expressed the need to feel safe and at home and be yourself. Exclusive activities for LGBT people foster personal and relational empowerment. However, heterogenous activities seem crucial in dealing with stereotypical imaging, heteronormativity and an equality-as-sameness discourse that influences culture and daily practice in the homes and negatively affects the position of LGBT older adults. In order to develop care of older people that is gay-friendly, then exclusionary social norms need to be addressed. Sharing of narratives can help to empower LGBT older adults and stimulate understanding and shared responsibility between LGBT and heterosexual older people, as well as professionals. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180209205 A
ClassmarkKW: DP: ES6DA: ES6DB: ES6E: ES6G: RNA: 3DP: 76H

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