Centre for Policy on Ageing


Quality indicators in the care of older persons in the emergency department
 — a systematic review of the literature
Author(s)Ellen Burkett, Melinda G Martin-Khan, Leonard C Gray
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 36, no 4, December 2017
PublisherWiley, December 2017
Pagespp 286-298
KeywordsAccident & emergency depts ; Geriatric hospitals ; Medical care ; Quality ; Evaluation ; Measurement ; Literature reviews.
AnnotationA systematic literature review was undertaken to assess the methodological quality of existing quality indicators (QIs) for the emergency department (ED) care of older patients. MEDLINE, CINAHL, EMBASE and grey literature were searched. Articles were included if they addressed ED care of patients aged 65 years or more and defined a QI amenable to influence by ED providers. The methodological quality of QIs was assessed using relevant items from the Appraisal of Indicators through Research and Evaluation and the QUALIFY tools. 61 articles were included in the review, with identification of 50 QIs meeting predefined inclusion criteria. 36 of 50 ED QIs for older patients were process indicators. The appraisal instruments' total ratings ranged from 39 to 67%, with only 18 QIs scoring 50% or more for all five domains. There is a need for a balanced, methodologically robust set of QIs for care of older patients in the ED. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-180119217 A
ClassmarkLD6: LDA: LK: 59: 4C: 3R: 64A

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