Centre for Policy on Ageing


Palliative care in residential aged care
 — an overview
Author(s)Juliet Butler
Journal titleAustralasian Journal on Ageing, vol 36, no 4, December 2017
PublisherWiley, December 2017
Pagespp 258-261
KeywordsCare homes ; Residents [care homes] ; Health [elderly] ; Chronic illness ; Acute illness ; Palliative care ; Needs [elderly] ; Evaluation ; Measurement ; Australia.
AnnotationThe objective of this Australian study was to measure how care needs, health and length of stay in permanent residential aged care differ by assessed need for palliative care. On entry into permanent residential aged care, people's care needs and health conditions were assessed on the Aged Care Funding Instrument. Data for the period 2008-2009 and 2015-2016 were analysed for trends in care needs, health conditions, length of stay and separation reason across assessed need for palliative care. Study results showed that assessed care needs increased for all people in residential aged care over these periods, and people appraised for palliative care were more likely to be rated `high' in need for support in activities of daily living. People appraised for palliative care had a higher prevalence of cancer and shorter lengths of stay. Palliative care appraisal is associated with increased complexity in assessed care needs, different profiles of health and shorter lengths of stay in permanent residential aged care. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-180119212 A
ClassmarkKW: KX: CC: CI: CHA: LVB: IK: 4C: 3R: 7YA

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