Centre for Policy on Ageing


Mental health differences between men and women caregivers, BRFSS 2009
Author(s)Valerie J Edwards, Lynda A Anderson, William W Thompson, Angela J Deokar
Journal titleJournal of Women and Aging, vol 29, no 5, 2017
PublisherTaylor and Francis, 2017
Pagespp 385-391
KeywordsMen as carers ; Women as carers ; Mental health [elderly] ; Health [elderly] ; Quality of life ; Well being ; Comparison ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System (BRFSS) is the largest annual telephone survey in the United States, and uses randomised digit dialled methodology and weighting, such that results resemble the overall demographic characteristics of each state (plus three US territories: Guam, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands). This study uses data from the 2009 BRFSS to examine differences between male and female caregivers by demographics, health-related quality of life (HRQOL), and the effect of social support on HRQOL. Of 421,215 participants, 109,174 were classified as caregivers. Roughly two-thirds of caregivers were women, and there were differences in demographic characteristics between men and women caregivers. Women caregivers reported significantly more mentally and physically unhealthy days than men, but there were no differences between men and women in general health or life satisfaction. Men were significantly more likely to report that they rarely or never received social support. Despite this, the effect of social support on HRQOL was stronger in men than in women. Implications of these findings for caregiver support programmes are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180112232 A
ClassmarkP6:SG: P6:SH: D: CC: F:59: D:F:5HH: 48: 7T

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