Centre for Policy on Ageing


Training senior service providers about HIV and aging
 — evaluation of a multiyear, multicity initiative
Author(s)Liz Seidel, Stephen E Karpiak, Mark Brennan-Ing
Journal titleGerontology and Geriatrics Education, vol 38, no 2, 2017
PublisherTaylor and Francis, 2017
Pagespp 188-203
KeywordsAIDS ; Training [welfare work] ; Medical workers ; Social workers ; Urban areas ; Evaluation ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that in 2015, one half of all people living with HIV in the United States would have been older than age 50. Older people remain sexually active, and 16% of all new HIV diagnoses occur in adults age 50 and older - even though they rarely see themselves as being at risk for HIV/AIDS, and physicians are frequently reluctant to discuss sex. To address the issue of ageing and HIV, the AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA) created its National Older Adults with HIV (NOAH) technical assistance and capacity-building initiative. NOAH targets ageing and HIV providers that serve older people at risk for or living with HIV. NOAH's goals include increasing knowledge, reducing stigma, and creating partnerships between senior service providers (SSPs) and HIV service providers. In its first 4 years, NOAH training was provided to 150 organisations in eight cities across the United States, reaching 332 agency staff. Outcome evaluation found significant increases in knowledge about HIV and ageing, and programmatic impact with regard to integration of older adults and HIV information in participating agencies' activities. Ongoing issues included recruiting SSPs and difficulties in reaching agencies that participated for short- and long-term follow-up. Implications for workforce development are discussed. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180112220 A
ClassmarkCQTT: QW: QT: QR: RK: 4C: 7T

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