Centre for Policy on Ageing


Receipt of formal and informal help with specific care tasks among older people living in their own home
 — national trends over two decades
Author(s)Lena Dahlberg, Hanna Berndt, Carin Lennartsson, Par Schon
Journal titleSocial Policy and Administration, vol 52, no 1, January 2018
PublisherWiley, January 2018
Pagespp 91-110
KeywordsInformal care ; Family care ; Home care services ; Self care capacity ; Housework capacity ; Shopping capacity ; Quantitative studies ; Longitudinal surveys ; Sweden.
AnnotationSweden is seen as a typical example of a social democratic welfare regime, with universal and generous welfare policies. However, since the 1990s, there have been substantial reductions in the Swedish provision of care for older people. This study aimed to examine trends in sources of care receipt in older people (age 77+) living in their own home and with a perceived need for help with two specific tasks: house cleaning and/or food shopping. Trends in care receipt were examined in relation to gender, living alone, having children, and socio-economic position. Data from the 1992, 2002 and 2011 data collection waves of the national study, Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old (SWEOLD), were used. Response rates varied between 86 and 95 per cent, and the sample represents the population well. Trends and differences between groups were explored in bivariate and logistic regression analyses. There was a reduction in formal care-receipt regarding house cleaning and food shopping over the study period. It was more common for women than men to receive formal care, and more common for men than women to receive informal care. Reductions in formal care have affected older women more than older men. Still, living alone was the most influential factor in care-receipt, associated with a greater likelihood of formal care-receipt and a lower likelihood of informal care-receipt. It can be concluded that public responsibility for care is becoming more narrowly defined in Sweden, and that more responsibility for care is placed on persons in need of care and their families. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-180112205 A
ClassmarkP6: P6:SJ: NH: CA: CAM: CAN: 3DQ: 3J: 76P

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