Centre for Policy on Ageing


Developing inclusive care homes for older people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT)
 — Paul Willis, Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Kathryn Almack, Paul Simpson
Corporate AuthorSchool for Policy Studies, University of Bristol; Department of Mental Health Social Work and Interprofessional Learning, Middlesex University
PublisherUniversity of Bristol, Bristol, November 2017
Pages2 pp (PolicyBristol Policy briefing, 53)
KeywordsCare homes ; Gay men ; Lesbians ; Bi-sexuals ; Transexuals.
AnnotationCare home staff and managers often lack knowledge about the delivery of personalised care to older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) residents, which was the motivation for this action research project. The researchers worked with a large care home provider and six care homes in England to increase awareness and knowledge amongst staff about sexual and gender diversity and social inclusion. Using a co-productive approach, they recruited eight volunteer LGBT Community Advisors (CAs) to work with them in carrying out an audit of care homes on LGBT inclusion. An audit and assessment tool to assist CAs with gathering key information was devised. While the evaluation showed clear evidence of gains in awareness and changes in attitudes by managers and staff during and after the intervention, concerns remained about the invisibility of bisexual and trans residents who are often wrongly subsumed under the labels 'lesbian' and 'gay'. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-171205004 P
ClassmarkKW: ES6DA: ES6DB: ES6E: ES6G *

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