Centre for Policy on Ageing


Growing old together
 — older CAB clients and debt
Author(s)Keith Dryburgh
Corporate AuthorCitizens Advice Scotland
PublisherCitizens Advice Scotland, Edinburgh, September 2008
Pages39 pp
SourceWebsite: www.cas.org.uk
KeywordsPoor elderly ; Financial services [older people] ; Citizens Advice ; Social surveys ; Scotland.
AnnotationPensioners have often struggled to live on their relatively small incomes, but many face the prospect of trying to finance large debts on a small income. The 'baby boom' generation is approaching retirement and bringing their many forms of credit and debt with them into their retirement years. This research was conduced with 64 clients in 7 Citizens Advice Bureaux across Scotland. It presents findings on the amount of debt, the impact of debt on health, debt by social grouping, debt to income ratios, and financial capability. Average total debt was £17,787. The survey questionnaire is included as an appendix. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-171124003 B
ClassmarkF:W6: J: PLLA: 3F: 9A

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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