Centre for Policy on Ageing


10,000 voices
 — service users' experiences of adult safeguarding
Author(s)Lorna Montgomery, Deborah Hanlon, Christine Armstrong
Journal titleJournal of Adult Protection, vol 19, no 5, 2017
PublisherEmerald, 2017
Pagespp 236-246
KeywordsElder abuse ; Protection [vulnerable adults] ; Rights [elderly] ; Participation ; Attitude ; Pilot ; Projects ; Northern Ireland.
AnnotationThe purpose of this paper was to describe a small scale pilot study undertaken in Northern Ireland to gather service user feedback from individuals who had been subject to adult safeguarding procedures. As part of the study the aims, methods and findings of the `Adult Safeguarding: 10,000 Voices' pilot project were presented. The pilot project highlighted how an initiative which captured the experiences of patients, service users, carers and staff in the health and social care sector (10,000 Voices) could be successfully adapted for use in adult safeguarding, facilitating the collation of complex experiences and enabling insights to be gleaned and shared. For the first time in Northern Ireland the 10,000 Voices model was utilised in the context of a non-health related service, namely, adult safeguarding. This outline of the model and methodology for obtaining service user feedback can inform user involvement in other contexts. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-171027216 A
ClassmarkQNT: CA3G: IKR: TMB: DP: 4UC: 3E: 9Y

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