Centre for Policy on Ageing


The National Elder Mistreatment Study
 — an 8-year longitudinal study of outcomes
Author(s)Ron Acierno, Melba A Hernandez-Tejada, Georgia J Anetzberger, Daniel Loew, Wendy Muzzy
Journal titleJournal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, vol 29, no 4, August-October 2017
PublisherTaylor and Francis, August-October 2017
Pagespp 254-269
KeywordsElder abuse ; Anxiety ; Depression ; Stress ; Ill health ; Longitudinal surveys ; United States of America.
AnnotationThe objectives were to conduct an 8-year follow-up of the National Elder Mistreatment Study (NEMS), and to specify risk ratios for negative outcomes of elder abuse, including DSM-5 defined depression, generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and poor self-reported health. Attempts were made to re-contact (via Computer Assisted Telephone Interview) all 752 NEMS participants who reported mistreatment since age 60 at Wave I, as well as a randomly selected sample of non-mistreated NEMS participants. 183 NEMS Wave I elder abuse victims and 591 non-victims provided data. In bivariate analyses, elder mistreatment 8 years earlier increased risk of negative outcomes by 200-700%. However, multivariate analyses revealed that Current (Wave II) social support was highly protective against most negative outcomes (excepting PTSD), and even appeared to nullify effects of mistreatment on GAD and poor self-reported health. Outcomes of elder mistreatment had not previously been studied prospectively in a national sample. The NEMS 8-year follow-up findings indicate a strong relationship between elder mistreatment at Wave I and negative emotional and physical health 8 years later. Fortunately, current (Wave II) social support appears to be both consistently and powerfully protective against most negative outcomes. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-171020202 A
ClassmarkQNT: ENP: ENR: QNH: CH: 3J: 7T

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