Centre for Policy on Ageing


Life trajectories of migrant care workers in the long-term care sectors in Norway and the UK
Author(s)Karen Christensen
Journal titleSocial Policy and Society, vol 16, no 4, October 2017
PublisherCambridge University Press, October 2017
Pagespp 635-644
KeywordsImmigrants ; Care support workers ; Care home staff ; Social mobility ; Qualitative Studies ; Comparison ; Norway ; United Kingdom.
AnnotationAn ageing population in Europe is currently putting pressure on long-term care services, creating demand for foreign workers. Using a life-course perspective, this article aims to contribute to the understanding of how life trajectories shape decisions about migration and employment in social care. Based on 51 life story interviews with migrant care workers in Norway and UK, two typologies are found: a Norwegian migrant life trajectory of downwards social mobility combined with settlement; and a British trajectory combining stronger downwards social mobility with further migration. The article contributes to the discussion of contextualised migratory lives involving care work. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-171006213 A
ClassmarkTJ: QRS: QRM: TMM: 3DP: 48: 76N: 8

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