Centre for Policy on Ageing


Creative health
 — the arts for health and wellbeing
Corporate AuthorAll-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing
PublisherAll-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing, London, 2017
Pages195 pp
KeywordsCultural activities ; Health [elderly] ; Well being ; Dementia ; Death.
AnnotationThe All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) was formed in 2014. Its aim is to improve awareness of the benefits that the arts can bring to health and well-being, and to stimulate progress towards making these benefits a reality all across the country. This report provides an overview of policy, commissioning and funding; looks at issues such as funding of long-term care; and gives examples of innovative provision. It looks at the ways in which our local environment affects our health and well-being, and at a possible future arts and health infrastructure, using as an example Artlift Arts-on-Prescription Scheme in Gloucestershire. The report explores the value to health and well-being of existing engagement with the arts, from childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, through working age adulthood, to older adulthood and end of life. A focus on healthy ageing in older adulthood includes: dance and falls prevention; combating social isolation; Museums on Prescription; and residential care. All forms of the arts can help in delaying the onset of dementia: music, singing, dance, visual arts, digital arts, performing arts, and the written and spoken word, as well as dementia-friendly design. The report looks at the role of the arts and artists in end of life care in hospitals and hospices, and in how we discuss death and bereavement. Among recommendations to improve policy and practice is to establish a national strategic centre to support the advance of good practice, promote collaboration, coordinate and disseminate research, and inform policy and delivery of health and well-being through the arts and culture. A short report (10 pp) is also available (http://www.artshealthandwellbeing.org.uk/appg-inqu... (RH)
Accession NumberCPA-170922003 E
ClassmarkH4: CC: D:F:5HH: EA: CW

Data © Centre for Policy on Ageing

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