Centre for Policy on Ageing


Research protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of elder abuse prevalence studies
Author(s)Yongjie Yon, Christopher Mikton, Zachary D Gassoumis, Kathleen H Wilber
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 36, no 2, June 2017
PublisherCambridge University Press, June 2017
Pagespp 256-265
KeywordsElder abuse ; Literature reviews ; Research ; Methodology.
AnnotationElder abuse is an important public health and human rights issue, yet its true extent is not well understood. In order to address this, the present study conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of elder abuse prevalence studies from around the world. This protocol described the methodological approach to be adopted for conducting this systematic review and meta-analysis. In particular it described the search strategies and eligibility criteria to be used to identify and select studies and how data from the selected studies would be extracted for analysis. The protocol also described the analytical approach that would be used to calculate pooled prevalence estimates and discussed the use of meta-regression to assess how studies' characteristics influenced the prevalence estimates. This protocol conformed to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analysis _ or PRISMA _ guidelines and was registered with the PROSPERO International Prospective Register of systematic reviews. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-170728258 A
ClassmarkQNT: 64A: 3A: 3D

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