Centre for Policy on Ageing


Golden years or retirement fears?
 — private pension inequality among Canada's immigrants
Author(s)Josh Curtis, Naomi Lightman
Journal titleCanadian Journal on Aging, vol 36, no 2, June 2017
PublisherCambridge University Press, June 2017
Pagespp 178-195
KeywordsImmigrants [elderly] ; Retirement ; Private pensions ; Economic status [elderly] ; Poor elderly ; Social inclusion ; Canada.
AnnotationCurrently many immigrants are disqualified from Canada's public pension scheme because of residency requirements. In addition decades of low income and labour market exclusion prohibit many Canadian immigrants from building adequate private pension savings throughout their working life. Together these factors present serious concerns for immigrant seniors' economic well-being. Using Canadian census data spanning a 20-year period (1991-2011), this study found that income from personal savings plans and investments had declined sharply for both native-born and immigrant Canadians, with recent immigrant cohorts faring worst. However since 1991, native-born and immigrant men living in Canada for 40-plus years had major gains in private employer pensions (Registered Pension Plans, or RPPs). Yet RPP income for all other immigrant cohorts remained stable or declined during these decades. Thus the data demonstrate a worrisome growing private savings gap between native-born men and all others in Canada, with newer immigrants and women faring worst. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-170728253 A
ClassmarkF:TJ: G3: JK: F:W: F:W6: RNA: 7S

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