Centre for Policy on Ageing


Unmet need for care: final report
 — independent research funded by NIHR School for Social Care Research
Author(s)Margaret Blake, Claire Lambert, Zarina Siganporia
Corporate AuthorIpsos MORI
PublisherIpsos MORI, [London], July 2017
Pages68 pp
KeywordsServices ; Domiciliary services ; Community care ; Needs [elderly] ; Research ; England.
AnnotationIn 2015, the National Institute for Health Research School for Social Care Research (NIHR SSCR) funded research to explore unmet needs among older adults living in their own homes. This project has been carried out by Ipsos MORI and NatCen Social Research in collaboration with Age UK and Independent Age. The research uses secondary analysis of survey data for 2011-13 from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and Health Survey for England (HSE), along with 24 in-depth interviews with people with care needs during spring 2017. It explores and measures the nature and prevalence of unmet need for social care in England, focusing on people who have difficulty with daily living or mobility, also a reluctance to admit to having unmet needs. It identifies factors which predict development of unmet need, and looks at the impact of unmet needs on mental health, well-being, quality of life, and health and dignity. Among barriers to needs going unmet are: costs, affordability and willingness to pay for care and support; lack of or difficulty in accessing information and advice; problems interacting with local authorities; and wanting to be independent and not be a burden. The quantitative research showed that more than half of those with care needs had unmet need for at least some of their need. While the qualitative research indicated that people's basic needs were being met, the interview evidence uncovered areas of hidden, unmet need such as lack of social contact and being unable to pursue hobbies and interests as a result of their care needs. (RH).
Accession NumberCPA-170725001 B
ClassmarkI: N: PA: IK: 3A: 82

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