Centre for Policy on Ageing


The generation of wealth
 — asset accumulation across and within cohorts
Author(s)Conor D'Arcy, Laura Gardiner
Corporate AuthorResolution Foundation; Intergenerational Commission
PublisherResolution Foundation, London, June 2017
Pages92 pp
KeywordsIncome [older people] ; Cost of living ; Older people ; Young adults [20-25] ; Comparison ; Longitudinal surveys.
AnnotationIn this seventh report by the Resolution Foundation for the Intergenerational Commission, the authors explore how wealth is distributed across and within different birth cohorts in Britain, focusing on intra- and inter-generational wealth trends. For younger groups, the problems are weak earnings growth, decreasing rates of home ownership, and the closing of generous pension schemes to new entrants. The report uses the Office for National Statistics' (ONS) Wealth and Assets Survey (WAS) to provide an overview of longitudinal changes in wealth in Great Britain. It examines assets and wealth patterns across and within age cohorts. It looks into how cohorts build up their wealth over time, focusing specifically on active savings behaviour and wealth increases driven by wider economic shifts (notably house price increases). It concludes by bringing these findings together, and reflecting on how policy might need to respond. Two annexes present supplementary analysis of cohort wealth trends, and more detail on the data sources and methodological approach used.
Accession NumberCPA-170620001 E
ClassmarkJF: J3C: B: SD6: 48: 3J

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