Centre for Policy on Ageing


The impact of caring for grandchildren on grandparents' physical health outcomes
 — the role of intergenerational support
Author(s)Jing Zhou, Weiyu Mao, Yura Lee, Iris Chi
Journal titleResearch on Aging, vol 39, no 5, June 2017
PublisherSage, June 2017
Pagespp 612-634
KeywordsGrandparents ; Grandchildren ; Grandparents as carers ; Health [elderly] ; Family care ; Children [offspring] ; Longitudinal surveys ; Rural areas ; China.
AnnotationLittle longitudinal data exist on grandparent caregivers and few studies have examined their physical health outcomes. This study examined the effect of caring for grandchildren on grandparents' physical health and the role of intergenerational support from adult children. Longitudinal data derived from a survey on the well-being of older adults in China were used to conduct path analysis of previous grandparent caregivers (versus noncaregivers) and repeated grandparent caregivers (versus noncaregivers). The final sample was 799 grandparents aged 60 or older living in rural China. Three aspects of intergenerational support were measured: financial, emotional, and instrumental support. Repeated grandparent caregivers had better self-rated health (SRH) and fewer limitations than noncaregivers. Previous grandparent caregivers had better SRH compared to noncaregivers. Emotional support mediated the relationship between caregiving and SRH among repeated caregivers. Findings suggest that any caregiving experience (previous or repeated) provides health benefits to grandparents. (JL).
Accession NumberCPA-170616211 A
ClassmarkSW: SW5: P6:SW: CC: P6:SJ: SS: 3J: RL: 7DC

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